This project entailed the total refurbishment of a dated science laboratory to create a new, modern-style design and upgraded facilities. The scope of work included the manufacture and installation of fixed furniture and Trespa worktops, as well as the installation of all Mechanical and Electrical (M&E) systems, new flooring, and decoration.

The goal of the refurbishment was to transform the existing science laboratory into a contemporary and functional space that met the latest standards and requirements. To achieve this, our team manufactured and installed custom fixed furniture, tailored to the specific needs of the laboratory. This included workstations, storage units, cabinets, and shelving, all designed to optimise the available space and enhance workflow efficiency. Additionally, Trespa worktops were installed to provide durable and versatile surfaces for scientific experiments and activities. The project also involved the installation of all necessary M&E systems to support the laboratory’s operations. This included electrical wiring, lighting fixtures, power outlets, plumbing for sinks and gas connections, as well as ventilation systems to ensure a safe and controlled environment. To complete the refurbishment, new high quality vinyl flooring was laid down, considering factors such as durability, safety, and ease of maintenance. Additionally, the laboratory underwent a comprehensive redecoration to create a modern and visually appealing space.

Throughout the project, our team managed all aspects of the refurbishment, from initial planning and design to the final installation and decoration.

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